Apache Tika vs Apache OpenNLP

January 21, 2022

Apache Tika vs Apache OpenNLP

When it comes to processing big data, Apache is a go-to platform for many developers. In this post, we will compare two important Apache libraries - Apache Tika and Apache OpenNLP.


Apache Tika is a powerful library that can extract metadata and text from almost any type of document. It can handle a wide range of file formats, from PDFs and Microsoft Office documents to multimedia files and image formats. It comes with a simple to use interface and can be easily integrated into your project.

On the other hand, Apache OpenNLP is a natural language processing library that can be used for a variety of tasks like named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, and text categorization. It can be used to build custom models for specific domains and can be incorporated into various applications such as search engines and chatbots.


When it comes to performance, both libraries are quite efficient. However, Apache OpenNLP is faster when it comes to tasks like named entity recognition and part-of-speech tagging. It also performs better when it comes to recognizing complex patterns within text. On the other hand, Apache Tika is better suited when it comes to processing large and complex documents, with its ability to handle a wide range of file formats.

Ease of Use

Both libraries are well documented and easy to use. However, Apache Tika is more user-friendly with its simple interface and ease of integration. On the other hand, Apache OpenNLP can be more challenging for beginners due to its complexity and the need for a domain-specific training set.

Community Support

Both libraries have an active and supportive community. Apache Tika is a part of the Apache Software Foundation, which is known for its active and engaged community. Apache OpenNLP is also a part of the Apache Software Foundation but does not have as many contributors as Apache Tika.


Both libraries serve their specific purposes well, and choosing between them depends on your project requirements. If you need to extract data and metadata from a wide range of file formats, Apache Tika is the best choice. If you need to perform natural language processing tasks like named entity recognition or text categorization, then Apache OpenNLP is a better option.

We hope this comparison has provided you with valuable insights into these two powerful libraries. No matter which one you choose, you can rest assured that your big data processing needs will be met.


  1. Apache Tika
  2. Apache OpenNLP

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